In this article, we put the spotlight on the normal way communication is said to take place and compare it with another that we suggest.

Figure CM is the standard communication model.  Let us briefly explain it.

Sender or transmitter. The source or originator of data, facts, figures, the idea or other matter that is to be passed to another point.

Encoding. The moulding of the material to be moved into a form (picture, language, sign, for instance) that best suits the situation.

Message. The matter or material with a meaning that is to be transmitted.

Channel. It is the medium to be used by the sender to pass the message to another point.

Receiver or audience. This is the party the other point that the sender wants to take the message.

Decoding. To decode is to interpret the message so that its meaning is understood.  

Closed Circle and Open Circle Communication Models

Figure CM is closed circle, standard communication model. The receiver encodes the message and sends feedback to the sender.

Figure CM1 is the open circle communication model. This second diagram shows the two possible directions of communication as follows:

  •              the receiver gets the message and sends feedback to the sender to          restart the cycle, and/or
  •        sends the same message to another recipient; which also restarts the      cycle.

Not only is figure CM1 an ‘open circle’, but is also explicit about the decisions the recipient has to make decisions concerning type of encoding, channel, and appropriate audience (CM assumes these procedures. They are quite natural after all, to state it fairly). 

Figure CM: The 'closed circle' communications model.

Figure CM 1: The 'open circle' communications model.

Perhaps the biggest achievement of what I call the open circle communication process is simply getting us to appreciate that we do not have to set a limit on our directions of thought, not whether the above proposal is right or wrong. What is your reaction? 

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