Monday 8 April 2019


Promotion’ is one of the few words that make people work that little bit harder in their job. The reasons are not far.
Promotion is when an individual is moved from one position to a higher one. For example, from salesman to sales manager, or accountant to head of finance.
Promotion normally brings higher pay, more privileges and better status. These are generally what the word is about. Does it need explaining? The question is, how does one put their hands on that promotion?
There are many ways to get elevated. Some of the things you can do to get your promotion include:
·        Putting your best in your work. Work professionally and present to your supervisors the best that you can achieve. This is perhaps one of the two most important rules.

·        Being trustworthy. Cultivate confidence in those around you that you can be trusted – with all forms of organisational assets including money, equipment and information. This certainly has to be the second of the two cardinal rules (the other being the above, of course).

·        Pointing out serious mistakes or omissions – even if it is your boss who has made it. This is a sensitive area. Some supervisors, if they are insecure, may not take it well. However, it might be more damaging in the long run for you not to say anything when you see something wrong than to do so. All supervisors secretly appreciate sub-ordinates who act as their third eye (it insulates them from being in trouble themselves). Only, choose the right moment and right way to do it.

·        Being brave. If called upon in a large meeting to share with others what you know about a particular subject, rise and speak. The plenty eyes around you will not swallow you. If anything, you will establish yourself as a leader and solution-provider. 

  Self-improvement. Formal education, reading and listening to people with more experience are powerful ways of moving from one level of knowledge and competence to a higher one. Self-improvement must be an ongoing process.

Drawing a line between business and pleasure. Leave business for business time and pleasure for pleasure time. They rarely move together. Many careers of otherwise capable women and men have been wrecked or slowed down because of not observing this rule. If you have not been, be smart about it - starting today! Finally,

·        Sacrificing a bit of your private time to get important tasks done. All managers do this. So, you will be marking yourself as one, by missing one beer to complete one vital job. Thirty minutes or so will be a valuable investment in your career progression.
This is it for now. Get your career on fast track by observing these rules. They may not be the only important principles. Nevertheless, they are among the highest-ranking.
